Physical Security Testing

Tailgating, badge-cloning, lock-picking and more - all designed to abuse your building security controls. We go so hard; we have to laminate our Get Out of Jail Free cards.



Physical Security Testing is focused on assessing the effectiveness of an organization’s physical security measures designed to protect assets, personnel, and facilities from unauthorized access, theft, or damage. This form of testing evaluates the resilience of physical barriers, access control systems, surveillance mechanisms, and security protocols against potential physical threats and breaches.

Scope and Methodology:

The methodology encompasses a comprehensive evaluation of physical security controls, encompassing both perimeter defenses and internal security measures. It involves a series of controlled attempts to bypass security features, simulate potential threat scenarios, and identify vulnerabilities in the physical security infrastructure.


  • Perimeter Security Assessment: Examining the security of the external perimeter, including fences, gates, barriers, and walls, to assess their ability to deter or delay unauthorized entry.

  • Access Control Systems Testing: Testing the effectiveness of access control mechanisms, such as key card systems and locks, to ensure they adequately restrict access to authorized individuals only.

  • Surveillance Systems Evaluation: Assessing the coverage, quality, and effectiveness of surveillance systems, including CCTV cameras and motion detectors, in monitoring and recording activities within and around the facility.

  • Physical Intrusion Simulation: Conducting controlled attempts to gain unauthorized access to the facility or sensitive areas within, simulating potential intruder tactics to identify weaknesses in physical security measures.

  • Social Engineering Defense Assessment: Testing the awareness and training of personnel in recognizing and responding to social engineering tactics aimed at gaining physical access or sensitive information.

This methodology provides a holistic view of an organization’s physical security posture, highlighting areas of strength and identifying vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors. By simulating realistic threat scenarios, organizations can understand potential security gaps and take proactive measures to enhance their physical security controls.

Scoping Parameters:

Scoping for physical security testing involves defining the boundaries of the assessment, including the locations and systems to be tested. It should outline the objectives of the testing, specify any areas or systems that are off-limits to prevent disruption, and establish a timeline for the testing activities.

Engagement Scale and Duration:

The scale and duration of a physical security testing engagement can vary based on the size and complexity of the facility, the number of locations to be tested, and the depth of the evaluation required. Engagements can range from targeted assessments of specific security controls to comprehensive evaluations of an organization’s entire physical security infrastructure.

Note: Custom scoping is required for physical security testing to ensure that the testing approach is tailored to the specific needs and security requirements of the organization, effectively addressing the unique challenges and potential risks associated with physical security.

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